19th Century´s militar history in the Basque Country

Battles and acttions

VIANA. 1834-IX-4

"Batalla de Viana". (The Battle of Viana)From the time that Don Carlos arrived in Navarre in July 1834, the Liberal military leaders tried to arrest him. General Rodil was in command of the troops at that time and divided them into different groups under Espartero, Lorenzo, Oraa and Carondelet, the aim of which was to capture the heir to the throne. Carondelet was in Viana with 300 cavalry and 600 foot soldiers. Having fled from the troops of Oraa and Lorenzo, Zumalacárregui was anxious to test the effectiveness of his new cavalry, so he gathered together a group of 240 men and headed to Viana.

The cavalry in Viana. (Detail)Given the city’s location, a surprise attack on Viana would seem highly unfeasible, but this is exactly what happened on the 4th of September. While the Carlist infantry attacked the city, the Lanceros de Navarra battled with Carondelet’s cavalry on the road to Mendavia. Despite this being the first open-field battle for the Carlist cavalry, the elitist Liberal Guardia Real (Royal Guard) was forced to retreat. Following two attacks led by Zumalacárregui himself, Carondelet retreated to Logroño after losing 200 of his men. This battle gave an important boost to Carlist morale, since Zumalacárregui showed the success of his work in organising a real army.

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